I recently joined
Crowdtap a few weeks ago. I am still fairly new to the site so I am still trying to figure it out so I will do my best to describe what it is. Crowdtap is kind of like Influenster and PinchMe where you receive samples to test out for free and then provide them honest reviews. There are Crowds, Missions, and Polls. The Crowds are the brands which then is broken down to what category they fall under, such as beauty and grooming, creative concepts, financial savvy, etc. Missions are activities that you do on social media regarding those brands or products. Then there are the polls, which are basically surveys about the brand or product. For each one of these items that you fill out, you earn points towards winning gift cards to Amazon, Sephora, Walmart, eBay, etc. So far I have won several $5 gift cards to Amazon and Walmart. It may seem like that's not worth the effort filling out a bunch of surveys, but it does add up!

The first product samples that I received from Crowdtap to test out are the Folgers Flavors Coffee Enhancers. I was so surprised that I received 12 bottles in my box when I first opened it. This has definitely been the most generous sample I have tested as of yet. There were 3 of each 4 flavors, mocha, caramel, hazelnut, and vanilla. The bottles are 1.62 fl oz with a flip cap. Once you open the cap, you just squeeze the product out so that it squirts into your cup of coffee. I like to squirt it onto a spoon so that I know just how much I'm adding to my cup. On the label it says, "Add one squeeze to 5 fl oz o prepared coffee. Adjust to taste." I personally feel like one squeeze is not enough for you to really notice any of the flavor at all. I've stepped it up to spoonfuls, which is about two really long squeezes. This may just be a personal preference, but I like to drink my coffee sweet.

Apparently there are 24 servings in each of these bottles. I've gone through 1.5 bottles so far of the hazelnut flavor, and that was only about 4 cups of coffee. So maybe I do get a little too happy with these coffee flavor enhancers... But if you think about it, when you buy coffee at the coffee shop, they do add a lot of these flavor syrup/enhancers also, probably even more than my 3 spoonfuls.

Since I've only tried the hazelnut flavor so far, I'll focus on that part now. You definitely can smell the hazelnut after you squeeze it into your cup of coffee! It definitely made me feel like I was at the coffee shop, except I'm in the comfort of my home instead. I'm not very good at describing flavors at all... It tastes smooth and just like a cup of hazelnut coffee you can purchase at the coffee shop. I'll just leave it at that for my description for the flavor. I would definitely recommend these coffee flavor enhancers if you are a coffee lover! It's great for on the go also since the bottles are small enough to fit in your purse.
As noted above, I received these samples in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.